A two-component, high modulus structural epoxy formula designed to provide maximum adhesion of SRS carbon fiber fabric to concrete substrates. SRS 1000 is specially formulated for long pot life, providing extended workability during CFRP application. The ultra-low viscosity formula is also ideal for gravity fed repair of fine to medium cracks in concrete.

• Saturation and adhesion of carbon fiber fabric to concrete substrates
• Low pressure crack injection for vertical, horizontal and overhead structural repair
• Bonding fresh concrete to hardened concrete or a bonding agent for repairing concrete spalls
• Gravity feed crack repair for horizontal applications
• Repair of spalling concrete
Key Benefits
• Ultra low viscosity formula optimized for carbon fiber saturation and bond strength to concrete substrates.
• Long pot life for extended workability and design strengths in CFRP applications.
• Pressure injection of fine to medium size cracks of approximately 1/8 in. to 1/4 in. (3.2 mm to 6.4 mm) width. • Self-leveling, low viscosity and surface tension allows product to deeply penetrate into cracks.
3 Gallon Set (2:1)
33oz Cartridges (2:1)
Storage Conditions & Shelf Life
24 months when stored in unopened containers in dry conditions. Store between 40 °F (4 °C) and 90 °F (35 °C).
Limited Warranty
This product is covered by the Structural Reinforcement Solutions 25 Year Limited Warranty
Case Studies
Parking Garage
Wall Reinforcement
Brick Column
Slab Embed
Pullout Strengthening
Retaining Wall