CFRP or Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer - How do these two components work together?
The SRS-1000 Structural Epoxy Adhesive, specifically formulated to saturate the carbon fiber fabric, penetrates deep into the pores of the concrete while providing a bond strength to the substrate of over 35,000lbs per foot.
Once the SRS-660 Bidirectional fabric is applied to the initial layer of epoxy, a composite strengthening system is formed. Each tow of fabric contains 12,000 filaments of carbon fiber to bridge the crack, forming a permanent bond while stopping the crack from ever reopening.
Since the carbon fiber is 10x stronger than steel, and has little to no elongation, this type of repair application provides exceptional confinement strength to stop the spread of cracks in concrete.
Learn more about the capabilities of CFRP at www.structuralrs.com
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